
How it Works:

At Boss PDX, we are committed to delivering exceptional construction services with a focus on transparency, client collaboration, and quality.

Our process is designed to guide you through every stage of your project, ensuring a smooth experience and quality final product. From the initial consultation to the last walkthrough, we prioritize your needs and preferences, keeping you informed and involved at every step. 

1. Initial Consultation
Get a Free Estimate: Begin your journey with us by receiving a complimentary estimate, offering you a preliminary idea of the project costs. Following this, we invite you to Schedule a Free Site Visit, where our team visits your location at no charge to gain a deeper understanding of your project requirements and specifics.
2. Estimate and Review

Preparation of Detailed Estimate: Our expert team diligently prepares an in-depth estimate, covering all facets of your construction project. This is followed by a Client Review and Collaboration on Estimate, a critical phase where we discuss the estimate with you to ensure it matches your vision and budget, making necessary adjustments for the perfect fit.

3. Contract and Financial Arrangements
Finalizing and Accepting the Estimate involves moving ahead with the contractual process once you are content with the estimate. Our contracts are Straightforward and include all Necessary Oregon Disclosures, ensuring transparency and legal compliance. To initiate the project, we Collect a Deposit ranging from 20-40% of the Total Cost, covering the initial outlays for labor and materials.
4. Project Planning and Scheduling
Determining the Project Start Date is a collaborative effort where we work with you to select a date that aligns with your availability. Administrative Preparations like Drawings and Permits are seamlessly managed by our team. During the Design Phase, our staff assists you in Material Selection and Procurement, ensuring that all aspects align with your vision.
5. Execution and Management
Our approach includes Optimizing Material Delivery to sync with Project Milestones, creating an efficient workflow. We strive for an Efficient Workflow to Minimize Client Inconvenience, ensuring the construction process is as smooth and unobtrusive as possible. Regular Documentation of Progress and Updates in a custom project file ensures you are always informed about the project status.
6. Financial Management and Milestones
To maintain project momentum and manage finances effectively, Periodic Deposits are collected in accordance with Project Milestones, ensuring there are no delays in execution.
7. Final Stages and Modifications
As the project nears completion, we engage in a Collaboration on the Final Punch List to address any final tweaks or adjustments. If any Change Orders or Modifications to the scope arise, we handle New Contracts and Invoices for these changes promptly and efficiently.
8. Completion and Client Satisfaction
Upon achieving your complete satisfaction, the Final Invoice is issued. Before our team departs, a Thorough Clean-Up and Final Workspace Inspection are conducted to ensure everything is left in perfect order.
9. Post-Project Documentation

The completion of the project includes Updating the Client’s File with all pertinent documents, including Paid Invoices, Receipts for Materials, and Manuals for any materials used, ensuring you have a comprehensive record of the entire process.